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Sixfields, Northampton

Sixfields June 2011!

Since the resurrection of the now infamous Sixfields meet back in September 2010, the event has gone from strength to strength, with the appeal to pull club members from all […]

Some of those 'forum-types' mingling

The FSi Rolling Road Day 2011!

Rolling Road days are one of my favourite car-based events to attend and I will have to explain why. You get to hear your car at maximum power literally meters […]

northern fsi meet

North Meet Review

Well the first Northern meet of 2011 has now been and gone and as ever, fun was had by all! We had a very good turnout with a total of […]

The North Meet – Aftermath.

Well the next North Meet has been and gone now and needless to say it was another brilliant day with fun had by all! It started off with AshSi breaking […]

North Meet

Next Sunday!: The North Meet!

After starting out with a total of three cars back in November 2009, the FSI North Meet has grown and grown in both size and popularity ever since, with more […]

September Sixfields 2010 – The Aftermath..

Sixfields was once a renound monthly meet for the Fiesta-Si.com faithful, with a regular turnout of 20 plus cars. However, economic downturn meant a lot of people just couldn’t afford […]